Chick bootie description

Below you will find the chick bootie, which is a perfect gift. We can make or buy these sweet ornate costumes for our children or our grandchildren. Everyone who saw these patrols loved it. I hope you like it too. It has been able to offer you a different weave. If you want to ask a question, leave a comment below, please do not hesitate. It is not hard.

Chick bootie description

The boties size are 6 months old and 1 year old. The scale is not small. This model is very cute and easy if you want to make knit booties.

Materials : knit needle number : 3  and baby yarn ( acrylic )

We start 66 stitches with number 3 knitting needle. knitt 12 rows with white rope. Take the yellow yarn for 4 rows of straight  to make an increase for two stitches together cut to the end of the row again, take the bottom row during the last row of 4 rows to get the solid auger. after 10 row knitt.

For the nose part, we cut 18 stitches and then cut two stitches and make 5 stitches or 5 cuts. We turn to the remaining loops. These loops in the middle are finishing the purse purse. we knitt the 8 stitch 32 row.

We have 18 + 18 bottom white rope on the bottom. After 10 rows, we increase 13 loops and we make 10 rows.


We are finished now .. have a good knitting days. You can make it different colors. İt will be for a boy or a girl .. Also, You can use unisex colors ..


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